Common Names: Native rosella, Wild hibiscus, Cottonwood, Toilet paper bush, green kurrajong, currijjong, couradjong, Queensland/native sorrel, natives’ cordage tree, batham, dtharang-gange
Derivation of the name:
Hibiscus: is the Greek word for ‘Mallow’ or ‘Marshmallow plant’ , a common name often used with this genus
heterophyllus: combination of two Latin words, ‘heteros’ meaning ‘different’ and ‘phyllus’ for ‘leaf’ referring to great variation in leaves of this species.
Hibiscus heterophyllus was recorded in the Brisbane area in 1824 by Allan Cunningham, in 1828 by Charles Fraser and again in 1844 by Ludwig Leichhardt. Describing the vegetation along the Brisbane River, Cunningham noted that Hibiscus heterophyllus was very frequent on the immediate bank “clothed with a profusion” of flowers.